Wichita, KS

The Studios and HumanKind

The Studios at HumanKind is a 56-unit housing complex specifically aimed at helping Wichita’s most vulnerable residents transition out of homelessness and substandard housing.

The Studios at HumanKind is a 56-unit housing complex specifically aimed at helping Wichita’s most vulnerable residents transition out of homelessness and substandard housing. This renovation converts a previously underutilized hotel into housing for at risk populations. The facility will include 56 studio units with kitchenettes, staff offices / case management rooms, private spaces, a conference room / community room, laundry, storage, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades. A portion of the shelter is being kept open during construction.

Through extensive case management and wrap-around support services, HumanKind Ministries and community partners will help residents address their unique challenges and transition into permanent affordable housing. By providing additional multifamily options, HumanKind has helped to create a brighter future for hundreds of residents.